Learn to Read Phonetically Collection 17

Collection 17 is a collection of five stories (chapters) that introduces the Advanced Consonant Sounds ce, ci, cy, ge, gi, gy, ck, dge, tch, ble, cle, fle, gle, kle, ple, sle, dle, tle, zle, Contractions, sion, tion, Silent and Slightly Silent sounds (gn, kn, mb, ph, wr, ct, pt), and finally the three possible sounds of ed, and immediately uses ALL of the above sounds, marking them in red so the student can spot them and apply the correct sounds, in a five-chapter Halloween Story.

At first, this may seem I'm asking too much, but trust me, it isn't, especially if you, as a parent/teacher require the students to study the instructions and read ALL the words before each chapter along with drilling the flashcards at the end of this book.

Finally, the five-chapter Halloween Story is repeated without any markings, thereby providing the students with a "Chapter Book," just like they might encounter in the classroom or for recreational reading.

Each story will have a list of vocabulary words at the beginning as well as questions to answer at the end.

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Paperback: $64.00