Schuler Phonics PRIMER: When a person is first learning to read, there is no reason to learn the sounds of the entire alphabet before reading and spelling actual words. Schuler Phonics PRIMER gradually introduces the single consonants and a, e, i, o, u short vowel sounds in a left-right progression, helpful for learning problem/dyslexic students.

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PRINT: $50.00

Schuler Phonics Core introduces the single consonants, blends, and digraphs, joined with the a, e, i, o, u short vowel sounds, and the Silent e Rule, all at three levels (Dolch Words; Comprehensive List; and Nonsense Syllables, actually part of real words). The Vowel Reference Card is made up of forty-five common vowel sounds, arranged to aid memorization, as a resource for students to sound out and spell unknown single and multisyllable words. All of the Dolch Sight Vocabulary Words are gradually introduced Phonetically and finally used to show applications of the CVC, Silent e, and Consonant-y spelling rules.

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Paperback: $40.00

PLEASE do NOT attempt to learn/teach this MASTERY level of Schuler Phonics until you/your students have completed Schuler Phonics CORE.

Schuler Phonics MASTERY adds new words with ce, ci, cy, ge, gi, gy, dge, tch, silent (gn, kn, mb, ph, wr) and slightly silent letters (ct, pt), contractions, ble, cle, dle, fle, gle, kle, ple, sle, tle, zle, sion, and tion, sounds of ed, plus a multisyllable addition to the CVC Spelling Rule already introduced in Schuler Phonics CORE.

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Paperback: $30.00

Schuler Basic Math Facts: The memorization of the multiplication facts are key to success with fractions and algebra. This books gives some tips for teaching the addition and subtraction facts, how to add with and without carrying, and subtract with and without borrowing. However, the most important concept taught is Mary Schuler's method of separating the multiplication facts into skip counting , 9's rule, and memorized facts. Division is taught in the same manner. Finally, the reversed facts, just another way of looking at multiplication and division, will prepare your child for fractions and algebra.

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Paperback: $30.00

Schuler Fractions: Whenever Mary Schuler taught fractions and tried to think up problems for students to solve, she always seem to repeat certain problems over and over. These sets of Sample Problems for Mixed to Improper, Improper to Mixed, Treeing, Reducing to Lowest Terms/Simplest Form, and Equivalency, to accompany Schuler Fractions, solved that problem. The "Little Jonah's" Flashcards present a series of twenty fraction problems that cover addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions, including borrowing in subtraction. Once these flashcards are mastered, your student will find fractions presented in other textbooks or in real life much more understandable. Finally, and very important, a Fraction Folder, to build, is also included in these materials. This Fraction Folder allows students to SEE the actual fraction problems (right brain learning).

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Paperback: $50.00

Dyslexia: Before and Beyond Reading; Dysgraphia: Before and Beyond wRiting; Dyscalculia: Before and Beyond aRithmetic: Besides Schuler Phonics and Schuler Math, when tutoring, students often need additional supports and techniques: Learning problems are not always solved just by doing more academics. This book summarizes the other techniques Mary Schuler has used over the years, including Delacato Program for Neurological Organization, Visual Training, Gross to Fine Motor Hand-Eye Coordination, Morse Code Program for Spelling and to improve Visual, Auditory, and Tactile/Kinesthetic Abilities, and Mirror Reading and Writing Four Ways.

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Paperback: $20.00